Doll on a bike overlooking trees and water

Come along for the R.I.D.E.

Our mission to provide fully inclusive recreational opportunities for kids and families of all abilities, is only available through the support of our community.

What your donations support

  1. Administrative costs to launch and maintain the organization. Costs like website, accounting, and filing fees.

  2. 321 for 3.21 bike ride events. While this is currently self-supported thanks to volunteers, we would love to make this larger, more inclusive, and more fun, with start and finish line celebrations.

  3. Planning and partnerships around future recreational programs for people of all abilities. Our mission is to make recreational programs more accessible to everyone; this will require things like training of staff and volunteers, equipment, space rentals, and support materials.

R.I.D.E. 4 ALL is a 501(c)3 | EIN 92-2513493